Meet the Super 6 adaptogens in Kapow Cacao

Meet the Super 6 adaptogens in Kapow Cacao

I'd like to introduce you to the incredible adaptogens found in our kapow cacao formulation. We like to call them our Super 6 because on their own they are great, but together they are super! 

Adaptogens working together have proven to be more powerful, they create a synergistic effect that takes their individual properties and amplifies them. They also happen to work accumulatively, meaning that taking them daily helps your body build resistance to stress. So what better way to get them than in your daily coffee replacement (or for some people, directly in your coffee!)

Amalaki: the cleanser

Amalaki or indian gooseberry is known to be cleansing and cooling. It supports and enhances liver function which as we know performs over 500 functions in the body. Although it is cooling, it is deeply nourishing to all tissues in the body but its affinities are for the liver, spleen, pancreas, lungs, eyes, heart and bones.  It also works to clear inflammation from the body including the histamine response, preventing allergy symptoms. 

Reishi: the immune booster

Reishi has some real mycelium magic. This mushroom has been used for centuries in Chinese medicine as a superior tonic. There are many color varieties of Reishi, we use Red Reishi in our Super 6 blend. Known for strengthening the heart and increasing cognitive function, it also has an immunomodulating effect, communicating deeply through its polysaccharides with our immune systems.  But the big reason we love it is its ability to improve adrenocortial function and relieve stress.    

Ashwagandha: the grounder

 We could all use a little ashwagandha in our lives. It's hot and sweet and makes us feel fortified. It's actually labeled one of the best nutritive tonics that there is in herbalism. It balances hormones, the immune system and the infamous nervous system. Anytime, we use the root of the plant we can expect it to have a very grounding effect on us. Thank goodness for this unique calming adaptogen! 

Astragalus: the healer

The best part of waking up is actually Astragalus in your cup! It's known to be energizing and protect you from weakness, which kinda feels like how I'd like to start my day. In Chinese medicine, it balances the energy of all internal organs and helps create resistance to disease. Combining astragalus with turmeric creates a fortress against disease.

Cordyceps: the energizer

Another Chinese medicine herb, this fungus has been used for thousands of years to support clean energy in the body. Used by olympic athletes, it enhances aerobic capacity and cellular energy, making it the perfect "runners herb".  

Licorice: the synergizer

 Licorice has this unique ability to pull everything together and tie it in a neat little bow. It is a demulcent, so it uses a moistening quality to do this. Used in small amounts, it's the thread that ties all the ingredients together. It eases burnout and deficiency and is especially helpful to people with IBS or inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. 

So, go grab a cup of Kapow and enjoy all the adaptogenic benefits! 

In good health,


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